Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Registration Day

So now this year I'm going back to school starting September 5th and today I went to go register to my school. I woke up at about 7am I tried to get there ASAP so I won't have to deal with the huge waiting line and it turned out that there was still a huge line for registration I waited in line for 2 hours just to register but I had fun I had a chat with some friends from school that i did not see for the whole summer. After I finished registering at about 10 I went with some friends to go get some breakfast after that we just huge out and now I am finally home I'm just gonna chill now and play some call of duty.


  1. Ah registration day, i remember that frustration clearly.

  2. poor you, that 2 hours must been disgusting :(

  3. I dislike huge lines, but love Call of Duty. :D

  4. There was an event at one of the local colleges I went to, as a way to promote a local democratic group. Tons of people (school already started here), and so much free stuff. Even Papa Johns gave out free pizza.

  5. i start school on monday... brutal.

  6. Good luck sir! Good decision making right there hahaha long lines suck

  7. how boring :( couldn't they make that online or something

  8. Have fun with your classes! hopefully CoD won't interfere ;)

  9. Sucks waiting in lines for any length of time, it's out of the way now though.
